File Upload ID Badging

Photos and Artwork File Management

  1. Capture or obtain all badge photos.
  2. Photo File Names*
    • last_first_indexNUM
    • last_first_mi
    • indexNUM**
      * File names must be unique; otherwise, last in over-rights the previous file
      ** Must use the “photo name” field in the datasheet to auto-link
    • Example of correctly named photos:
      • bob_smith.jpg First: Bob, Last: Smith (no column needed)
      • OR not AND
      • 123456.jpg Employee Number: 123456 (no column needed)
    • Example of incorrectly named photos: (column needed)
      • Spelling errors are the most prominent
        • jaane_smith (spreadsheet has Jane Smith)
      • bob.jpg (no last name)
      • bob_smith (spreadsheet has Robert Smith)
      • Some files are named first_last, some last_first, and some employee numbers (they all must use the same format)
  3. Securely store on your computer/network.
    • MS Windows jpg and png formats
    • No MS Word or PowerPoint embed photos!
    • Do not crop your photos.
  4. If your job requires badge designing/edits and proofing, upload a high-quality logo:
  5. If you have any special requests, you can place them in a Word Document and upload them with your files.
    • Change or confirmation of address and contact information
    • If you have a need-by-date along with your shipper number and desired ship terms: overnight, 2-day,… if required.
sample ID card photos from eXpress badging
Sample ID Card Photos (Not Cropped) last_first_indexNUM

Data Management

  1. Obtain an import spreadsheet from eXpress badging, or create one that has all the necessary fields
  2. Fill out the spreadsheet with data and proofread. eXpress badging prints data as imported.
  3. The spreadsheet must have a photo name column if your photo files are not exactly named the same as the related column data
    • Do not place the file extension (.jpg) in the photo name column: bob.jpg would just be “bob” in the column Photo Name
    • If your files are not provided as requested, your order will be rejected, and we’ll notify you of the needed corrections.
  4. Securely save this PII-compliant file, and never email it!
  5. How do I properly format my data file for importing into the Veonics Portal?
common ID card data import template
ID Card Data Import Format

Submit Files

  1. Enter your email, first, last, company names, and comments as prompted
  2. Open your Windows Explorer and drag and drop ALL FILES (artwork, photos, and data) before selecting UPLOAD
    • You will NOT get a confirming email; however, our Production Department will.
  3. First-Time Orders: If you do not hear back from eXpress badging after two business days, please get in touch with your ID Specialist.
  4. Repeat Badge Request Orders: Your order will ship/mail on Day 2 or 3; business days are defined here.
  5. Please get in touch with us if you have special instructions or have a need-by-date.

Visit our Resource Center for a full list of resources.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with your ID Specialist! 800-909-8602