Custom Printed Badge Holders

There are many options when shopping for custom-printed badge lanyards and retractable reels. The first consideration is budget, as badge holder accessories can range from under a dollar to over $4.00 for ones with high-quality components and features. We recommend learning badge accessory basics first to order the exact solution you expect. Then determine the printing process for your custom badge lanyard, badge reel, and plastic holder needs. The top three are silk-screen, dye-sublimation, and embroidered. The first decision will be how many colors you need—for example, a single spot color or a full-color printing process to print a multi-colored logo. The quality of your artwork will be a factor as well. Ensure you submit the highest resolution artwork so your customer lanyard and badge reel look great!
What to expect when ordering custom printed badge holders!
Ordering Process
- Review holder features, printing process, timelines, and artwork
- Approved the submitted proposal and shipping terms
- Provide payment information or purchase order
- Submit holder artwork
- Approve the custom-printed holder proof
- Estimated delivery date provided per approved shipping terms
- Tracking is provided within one business day of shipment
- Payment is processed or invoiced

Tips and Suggestions:
- The more holders you order, the less the unit cost
- Ensure you have your badge holder features and specifications selected and ready
- The printing process can limit fabric material
- Never order metal attachments for photo ID badge lanyards unless it is the only option!
- Swivel hooks, bulldog clips, rings, or thin hooks
- eXpress badging recommends a “sewn” finishing option with a wide plastic hook
- Never order a badge lanyard without a breakaway fitting
- Silkscreen printing is less expensive than dye-sublimation or embroidery
- Spot color printing, one to three colors, works best with silk-screen printing
- Dye-sublimation provides the best print quality for colored graphics
- Specify full-color printing if over two colors for dye-sublimation printing
- The larger the font size, the easier it is to read, if applicable
- Alternate text with your image, and consider the spacing between
- Request generic samples if needed